Sustainability Report 2021

Energy Company

Argentina’s leading energy company. Its operations span the country’s entire oil and gas value chain, including production, refining, and sale of products. It also conducts an expanding business focused on electric power generation and renewables development, as well as a company focused on innovation and new energies.

Energy Company

Sustainability Commitment

Sustainability priorities are embedded in business strategy and they are aimed at strengthening the company's long-term competitiveness.

We participate in global initiatives such as the Global Compact, EITI and the B20 Energy Task Force.
We voluntarily submit to the Corporate Sustainability Assessment designed for the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.


Governance, Ethics and Integrity

Board of Directors

12 Regular members
11 Independent members
1 Woman



Economic Performance

Social Performance

Environmental Performance

Values ​​comparisson with the year 2019, given during 2020 production levels were not usual.

Our Sustainability Reports